What Is a Disposition Fee?
A disposition fee can be a nasty surprise. You show up to turn over your car at the end of your lease, then find yourself hit with a surprise $300 or $495 fee, even though you already finished all your lease payments. But what exactly is a disposition fee? Find out why your leasing company charges this fee– and how you can avoid paying it by selling your leased vehicle to IMX Auto.
A disposition fee is a fee that’s charged at the end of a car lease when you return a leased vehicle. Leasing companies charge disposition fees to offset the costs of putting a used car back on the market. Disposition fees are meant to cover things like cleaning, inspection, and administration costs.
The tricky thing about disposition fees is that they’re easy to forget about. Other fees, like down payment fees and security deposits, are paid upfront. But disposition fees are paid only at the end of the lease, months or even years after you signed your lease agreement. By that time, it’s easy to forget the fine print you read when you first signed.
Disposition fees also must be paid even if you took immaculate care of your leased vehicle and honored every part of your auto lease contract. You may have been mindful of excess mileage and made sure you always paid your monthly payments on time. You may have been extra careful to keep your car free of dings and excess wear. Regardless, you’ll probably still have to pay a disposition fee, since it’s a standard part of most new lease contracts.
Disposition fees are also an unusual fee in general. Other types of fees, like early termination charges and late payment fees, are common enough for people to keep at the front of their mind. But because disposition fees are only typical in the auto leasing industry, it’s normal for a first-time lessee to be surprised by the fee when they go to turn in their vehicle.
How Can You Avoid Paying a Lease Disposition Fee?
There’s more than one way to avoid paying a lease disposition fee. One way is to take advantage of your dealership’s purchase option. Another way is to lease a new car from the same dealership since lenders will often waive the fee if you continue to lease from them. But what if you don’t want to buy your leased vehicle or get a new lease from the same dealership?
If you want to be done with your lease, you can still avoid paying a disposition fee by selling your leased vehicle to a lease buying center like IMX Auto. When you sell your leased car to IMX Auto, you avoid paying a disposition fee, since your original dealership no longer needs to restock your vehicle. Not all dealers can buy leased cars, but IMX Auto can. We’re able to pay top dollar for used and leased vehicles due to recent changes in the market and in-car value appreciation.
Selling your leased vehicle can also help you get out of other fees, like early termination fees. IMX Auto can buy leased vehicles before the end of your lease term and help you buy or lease a new vehicle of your choosing. We sell and lease new vehicles of any make or model, so we’re here to help you get rid of the car you don’t like driving and get you into one you do.
Sell Your Leased Vehicle to IMX Auto in Burbank
If you’re ready to sell your leased vehicle and avoid paying a disposition fee, contact IMX Auto today. Call us at 818-873-2070 or visit us at 811 N Victory Blvd in Burbank, California. Our helpful team is standing by to help you easily end your current lease and make sure your next vehicle is your best yet.